어느 날 제 계좌를 보니
저도 모르게 빠져나가는
돈이 있었는데
바쁘게 살다 보니
어디서 빠져나갔는지 몰라
마음먹고 알아보니
어도비에서 매달
결제되는 것이었어요.
지난 12월에 체험판 사용하고
취소기간이 지나
계속 사용하는 것으로 간주되어
매달 23100원씩
돈이 빠져나갔는데
결제취소하는 방법도 몰랐던 거죠.
부지런히 인터넷을 찾아보다가
환불이라는 글들을
읽어보고 저도 따라 해보았어요.
처음에는 자동으로
인공지능이 상담해 주다가
전문상담사와 얘기하고 싶다고
전문상담사를 바꾸어주었네요.
이메일인증을 통해
신원을 확인하고
어도비플랜을 취소하고 싶다.
그리고 환불받고 싶다고 했더니
위약금을 내야 된다는 거예요.
체험판 사용하고 취소방법을 몰라서
취소하지 못했다. 말했더니
14일 이내에 취소해야
위약금이 없다며
다른 플랜을 제시하였어요.
저는 일관되게
무료로 취소하고 환불받고 싶다.
요즘 일이 없어 돈이 없다는 등
취소하고 환불받고
싶다고 말했어요.
I would like to inform you that a refund is only applicable in the initial 14 days of the subscription from the purchase date that is 17 Dec 2022. Refund is not applicable on your susbcription
However, I couldn't cancel because I didn't know, so I'd like a refund.
would like to inform you that a refund is only applicable in the initial 14 days of the subscription from the purchase date that is 17 Dec 2022. Refund is not applicable on your susbcription
I'll be careful from next time, please refund me
Moreover, I didn't know how to cancel, so I couldn't cancel it the other day.
The money went out several times without my knowledge.
I would like to inform you that refund is not applicable on your subscription.
I am helping you with free 3 months so that you can use and explore our subscription and compete the tenure.
I would like to inform you that your subscription is purchased under Annual Commitment/Monthly Billing which provides you with a discounted price but has an annual commitment too.
Any cancellation at this point will attract an early cancellation fee of 92,400.00 KRW on your account.
Our terms and conditions haven't changed; please review them here: https://www.adobe.com/legal/subscription-terms.html. Per your plan, a cancellation fee of 50% of your remaining months applies.
I would suggest you go with three free months as it will help you to complete the subscription tenure and reduce the overall cost for the subscription.
Cancellation fee will reduce every month as closer you reach to 1-year tenure. Because it's only 50% of the remaining months. And I am helping you with these free 3 months service so that you m
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ay continue with the subscription while not paying for it and complete the annual commitment while minimizing your costs. After 3 months billing will resume at the same price. And it won’t extend your renewal date.
Looks like you have stepped away. I will close this conversation for now. You are welcome to come back at any point and we will be happy to assist you.
It's unfair if you don't refund something you haven't used
Please refund even for 3 months
I would like to inform you that Refund is not applicable on your purchase. Adobe susbcriptions charge on basis of activation not for usage.
If you want I can go ahead and cancel your susbcription and will collect cancellation fee of 92,400.00 KRW
Shall I go ahead?
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저도 영어를 잘 못하는데
모르는 것은
구글번역기와 파파고를
사용해 대응했네요.
Hello, I'd be happy to help you today, let me first pull up your account information and access your details.
I see that you have an Adobe Acrobat Pro plan active on your account and you wish to cancel it. May I know the reason for the cancellation, please?
I don't use it, but it keeps costing me money
Thanks for letting us know the reason. We are here to help you with this.
We have an exclusive offer for you that can be currently applied to your subscription. If you wish to continue then we can offer you the same subscription at a great price of KRW 11,000/month along with 3 free months.
With this discounted offer, you will be paying KRW 11,000/month for the complete year instead of the standard price of KRW 23,100.00 with a combined saving of KRW 145200/year. How does that sound to you?
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I want to get a refund.
Let me explain how this offer works for you.
I'll cancel the current plan and you'll receive a pro-rated refund of KRW 3850.0 which you'll receive in 5-7 business days.
And place a new order with the discounted price of KRW 10,000.00/month and with tax, it'll be KRW 11,000.00 which will be charged today.
After the new plan is active, I'll add the free 90 days to the new plan and waive the payment for the next three months.
Would you like to continue with the same payment method?
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Which one do i order new?
The offer is for the same Acrobat Pro plan,
Please give me a refund for the three-month fee
6:30 PM
I understand you wish to have a refund on your current plan.
I would like to inform you that as per the terms and conditions of your plan, a refund is applicable to your account if the plan is canceled within 14 days from the date of the initial purchase post which the refund will not be a possibility.
Instead of the combo offer, we can help you with 2 of the exclusive offers for the below plans which are the Acrobat PDF pack for KRW 84,000/year Or if you wish to continue, we can provide you with Export PDF for just 28,001/year. How does that sound to you?
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But I didn't know where the money was coming from.
I see that you have an Adobe Acrobat Pro plan active on your account purchased on 17 Dec 2022 with a 7-day free trial under an Annual Commitment / Monthly Billing plan.
Please let me know how you wish to proceed.
Please cancel Acrobat Pro plan
And I want a refund.
Do you remember this purchase?
I applied to use the free evaluation, but I didn't know how to cancel it
Thank you for confirming. I'll be glad to explain. The subscription has been purchased as an Annual contract.
The trial was free for 7 days only. Adobe gives leniency to customers to cancel a plan within 14 days from the date of purchase and there will be no fee for cancellation along with a full Refund. Since the 14 days have already passed, it is now a paid subscription bound by an annual contract.
I hope this clarifies things.
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I'm sorry, but I don't have any more money to pay..
since you have purchased the subscription under an annual commitment, any cancellation at this point in time would attract an early termination fee.
Hence I'm offering the best available options available so that you can get closer to your annual term.
I would really love to help you and support you. Therefore, I would like to help you with 3 Months of Free service!
If I credit 3 Free Months, you will not be billed for April, May, and June and also save KRW 69300 for the next 3 Months and still enjoy the services absolutely free! May I add 3 Free Months to your account?
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How many months can you refund
I see that you have subscribed for the Annual Commitment / Monthly Billing Plan. As per the plan, you'll be attracting cancellation charges of KRW 92,400.00 for early cancellation within the commitment period.
Shall I proceed with the cancelation?
Please let me know how you wish to proceed.
Please cancel without penalty
Since you have an annual plan, a cancellation fee of 50% of your remaining months applies if you cancel now. Would you like to keep your membership?
I have no money these days because I have no part-time job
I understand but cancellations can be done anytime and you can also manage and make the required changes to your account.
However, I personally recommend you give yourself a fair chance to explore and re-evaluate the services since the next 3 months are absolutely free for you. May I help you with 3 free months as promised,?
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I don't work on the Internet these days
Give me a moment while I find a solution for you. Thanks for your patience.
Thanks for your patience, As a goodwill gesture, I'll go ahead cancel the plan and waive the cancellation fee for you. Shall I proceed?
7:05 PM
I've successfully canceled the subscription on your account and you'll have access to the plan till 24 Apr 2023, you'll also receive a confirmation email on the same.
Is there anything else I can help you with today?
Then do you give me a three-month refund?
refund is applicable only if the plan is canceled within 14 days of the plan. I've waived the cancelation fee and canceled the plan for you.
But I couldn't cancel it because I didn't know how to use it and the withdrawal company for a few months.
Please give me a refund for 3 months.
I understand. I've successfully canceled the subscription on your account and have initiated the refund of KRW 69300 which you'll receive in 5-7 business days. you'll also receive a confirmation email on the same.
Is there anything else I can help you with today?
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Thank you.
You're welcome! It was my pleasure to assist you today.
Thank you, for allowing us the time to share the exclusive offers available on your account
As per your decision, we have canceled the subscription. Thank you for being our customer and allowing us the opportunity to serve you. We hope you would consider us as your creative partner in any future ventures.
Happy to help! You may receive an email with a survey link. Please take a moment to rate your experience and help us improve. Thanks!
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7:15 PM
상담은 오후 3시 38분부터 시작해
오후 7시 15분까지
어도비플랜을 무료로 취소하고
3개월분을 환불받기로 했어요.
상담도중 대안을
제시한다 하더라도
지불할 돈이 없다.
사용하지 않는다는
내용을 확실하게 밝히는 것이
상담하는 동안 AI상담사까지
총 4명의 상담사와 얘기했고
좋은 태도로 응대해 주어서
말하며 결국은
기분 좋게 상담을 마쳤네요.^^